Assembly is a “catch-all” term used to describe methods where we combine shorter individual reads into longer contiguous sequences called contigs
Because the sequencing process works by breaking the original DNA into smaller fragments, the assembly process is conceptually similar to putting together an image puzzle from its many pieces
The software that performs the assembly is called the assembler
We will learn how to de novo assemble reads sequenced by the Illumina sequencing platform using SPAdes, an assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines
De novo assembly usually includes the following steps:
Improving of the reads quality (remove adapters, trim reads, etc..)
De novo assembly of the overlapping reads into contigs
Joining contigs into scaffolds
Comparison with other known genomes
Filling the gaps
Annotation of the assembled genome
Visualize genome annotation
Challenges of de novo assembly
Sequence assembly is perhaps the application domain of bioinformatics where skill and expertise are the most difficult to identify and define
Assemblers are quite unlike any other software tool you will ever use
Most come with a bewildering array of parameters - the purpose of which are not explained, yet many will have profound effects on the results that they produce
Trial and error are one of the most commonly used strategies - you will have to keep tuning the parameters and rerun the entire process hoping that the results improve
Assembling a large genome may take weeks and substantial computational resources
Thus any expertise built on trial and error will have to be accumulated over a much more extended period
Finally, even when assembly appears to work, almost always it will contain several severe and substantial errors. That is where, in our opinion, bioinformatics expertise matters more
The ability to understand, visualize and correct the mistakes of an assembly has a utility that will outlast the present and is more valuable than knowing the exact invocation of a tool by heart
N50: length for which the collection of all contigs of that length or longer covers at least 50% of assembly length
Overlapping reads are assembled into contigs. Based on the info about paired-end reads, contigs may be further assembled into scaffolds
What is the N50 statistic:
A simpler explanation of N50 starts by ordering contigs by length
Suppose we have 10 different contigs (designated by XXXXXX ) and we ordered these by their decreasing sizes:
The sum of these lengths starting with the longest is 55. Half of that is 27.5
Go down on this list and add up the lengths to find the contig where the cumulative length exceeds this half value
When we hit contig number 7 we have 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 34, this value is larger than 27.5 so it is at this point at least half of the genome is stored in contigs of size 7 or greater - N50 is then 7
“At least half of the nucleotides in this assembly belong to contigs of size 8bp or longer”
Problems with N50 statistic:
One of the biggest problems using the N50 metric as the primary means of evaluating assembly quality is that it rewards “misjoins”
A “misjoin” is the error of concatenating separate contigs into a single segment
Such mistakes can happen when the evidence is insufficient, but the algorithm is tuned to be overly generous in accepting these pieces of evidence
Also applying cutoffs can lead to odd situations when selecting contigs would lead us to be either well under or well over the 50%
What are k-mers?
A k-mer are all possible subsequences of size k
The rationale for breaking our reads into even smaller pieces, k-mers is that we want to identify “correct” k-mers, those that originate from the real data
The assumption is that whatever errors the reads may have these are distributed randomly - hence will produce different erroneous k-mers
The correct k-mers will always be the most abundant
In general, the longer a k-mer is, the fewer identical k-mers to it exist
At the same time it is also true the longer a k-mer is, the more likely is that it will contain an error
When it comes to assembly processes the rule of reasoning is that:
A larger k value allows resolving more repetitions
A smaller k increases the chances of seeing a given k-mer
Hence the selection of a k-mer is a tradeoff between longer repeats and more reliable measures
In general, you should assemble sequences using the largest k-mer size possible, such that the k-mer coverage is sufficient
You may estimate these via trial and error (as stated above) but there are also tools that will assist you in determining the most likely k-mer sizes and coverage cutoffs
Multidrug resistant bacteria have become a major public health threat
Phage therapy may to be used as an alternative to antibiotics or, as a supplementary approach to treat some bacterial infections
Bacteriophages have been applied in clinical practice for the treatment of localized infections in wounds, burns, and trophic ulcers, including diabetic foot ulcers (PMC6083058)
In this study, bacteria were collected from trophic ulcers of the patients
Bacteriophages that were successful in treating diabetic foot disease were sequenced using NGS technology
The sample we will be using is a 2x250 Illumina sequenced bacteriophage
The goal of this exercise is to assemble the genome of a sequenced bacteriophage
This command will give us the file 169_improved.fasta
After running this commmand, each fasta input in 169_improved.fasta has _pilon
We want to remove this _pilon after each fasta input
Open 169_improved.fasta in a text editor
$ code results/scaffolds/169_improved.fasta
We want to “replace all” _pilon with nothing
How to edit the improved fasta file (output from pilon)
6. Annotation of the assembled genome
We will use PROKKA on the improved sequence assembly
After you have de novo assembled your genome sequencing reads into scaffolds, it is useful to know what genomic features are on those contigs
The process of identifying and labelling those features is called genome annotation
Prokka is a “wrapper”; it collects together several pieces of software (from various authors), and so avoids “re-inventing the wheel”
Prokka finds and annotates features (both protein coding regions and RNA genes, i.e. tRNA, rRNA) present on on a sequence
Prokka uses a two-step process for the annotation of protein coding regions:
Protein coding regions on the genome are identified using Prodigal
The function of the encoded protein is predicted by similarity to proteins in one of many protein or protein domain databases
Prokka is a software tool that can be used to annotate bacterial, archaeal and viral genomes quickly, generating standard output files in GenBank, EMBL and gff formats
Once Prokka has finished, examine each of its output files:
The GFF and GBK files contain all of the information about the features annotated (in different formats)
The .txt file contains a summary of the number of features annotated
The .faa file contains the protein sequences of the genes annotated
The .ffn file contains the nucleotide sequences of the genes annotated
We will use a protein set specific to Pseudomonas phage PEV2 (NC_031063.1), our closely related genome from BLAST, for the annotation
We will use the program Artemis to visualize the genome annotation we made with PROKKA using Artemis
Artemis is a free genome browser and annotation tool that allows visualisation of sequence features, next generation data and the results of analyses within the context of the sequence, and also its six-frame translation
Artemis is written in Java, and is available for UNIX, Macintosh and Windows systems
It can read EMBL and GENBANK database entries or sequence in FASTA, indexed FASTA or raw format
Using the GFF file made from PROKKA, we will open it with Artemis: